On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 5:28 AM, Len Ovens <len@ovenwerks.net> wrote:
Exactly. Audacity has no need of jack...

Perhaps, but I need Audacity to work with JACK. I'm not starting and stopping JACK every time I want to switch between Ardour and Audacity.
Ardour affords much more professional multi-tracking features, but Audacity excels in finalizing and error checking the final master: therefore I need both at the same time, do an export, check for improvements, do improvements in Ardour, export, check for improvements, etc.

@ Bob,
Audacity works fine here, there's "JACK" in the audio I/O drop down box here..? Found this image online that shows what I'm talking about: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-lb_EleEc6BQ/UGx3NmrxypI/AAAAAAAABgc/4KMi9fdnw-Q/s1600/audacity-JACK.png

Hth, -Harry