On Thu, Sep 19, 2013 at 10:37:28AM -0400, Paul Davis wrote:
> [...]
> There's an entire "modular DAW" called ayyi that is a fork of ardour's> [...]
> codebase. The author has never spoken to me once (at least not with an
> acknowledgement of what s/he was up to). Whoever is doing is is still
> active (recent releases on September 2nd). They distribute the ardour
> libraries as part of their source tree. They clearly want to produce
> something that operates in the same space as Ardour, although they have
> changed the name and have a very different architectural concept in mind
Hi Paul
I am the main Ayyi Project developer.
I sincerely hope that the use of your code hasn't caused any offence.
The project is not intended to be competitive with Ardour and is likely
to remain merely a proof-of-concept. If I you have any objections, please
let me know as I would be very keen to accommodate you. For example if you
dislike the use of the name "ardourd", I will change that.
We have had conversations on LAD and IRC but we just have very different
ideas about what a DAW should be. I have a great deal of respect for
Ardour and all the great work you and others have done and ideally I would
very much like to contribute, something that a more modular approach would
help with.