On Sat, May 29, 2010 at 8:55 AM, Julien Claassen <julien@c-lab.de> wrote:
Hello everyone!
 Sorry to bother again, but I'm confused. I want to do a little skullduggery. So I started these:
jackd - for basic audio/midi and transport
a2jmidid -e - To expose my ALSA MIDI ports to JACK

good decision
j2amidi_bridge - to expose my JACKMIDI stuff to ALSA

unnecessary decision. a2jmidi -e is already there.
jack_midi_clock - to generate a good clocksource, that's bound to the transport system of JACK

not sure what kind of clock this generates, but fine.
 Now I want to start a midi sequencer (alsamidi capable) and connect the jack_midi_clock to it.

but you haven't started one yet. or so it appears ...
 The midi sequencer somehow has it's ports hidden, but can connect to any input/output alsaseq port.

its ports should not be hidden. do they show up in aconnect -i and/or aconnect -o?