Does Pulse always start as a daemon, or is it sometimes set up as a hal/udev item, or something else?

The goal is to have Jack always run, to have Pulse be the default non-Jack audio API, to have the .asoundrc send user-level ALSA requests to Pulse. 

This is working well in my current system load, except when I restart Jack; when I restart Jack, the following occurs:

In my previous load (AVLinux), all I had to do was start jackd in /etc/rc.local, tell Pulse to use Jack as its sink, and tell Pulse to daemonize via its own .conf file, and it did very well.  I have tried several methods, including setting Jack and Pulse at different runlevels, but when I try to use Jack as an /etc/init.d item the boot jack log says that I don't have permission to use realtime scheduling, and it doesn't run.

