On Tue, Oct 30, 2012 at 12:49 AM, Al Thompson <althompson58@gmail.com> wrote:
So a friend of mine at work has decided she wants to check out audio and
MIDI on Linux.  BUT, she has a Macbook Pro, and I've never paid any
attention to distros that were for Macs.  What's a good audio/MIDI (plus
general purpose) distro that is easy to get running on a Macbook Pro?

its hard to see why she would not use OS X on her MBP if audio/midi is the goal.  not all, but several of the better FOSS apps are available for OS X, and that only adds to the vastly improved array of FX and synth plugins on OS X.

i appreciate that there may be a principle at work here, but honestly, she'll get more done with OS X unless she is herself a natural tinkerer and/or has "odd" needs (e.g. academic electroacoustic music)