Le 05/05/2015 17:33, Carlos sanchiavedraZ a écrit :

2015-04-30 11:24 GMT+02:00 ORL <orl@ammd.net>:

Really good and useful info for reference. Great to see real musician using FLOSS in production and in such kind of festivals.
Would be great to see some "behind the scenes" footage of your performance.

Thanks for you interest. By the way, it makes a long time we plan to do that, but each time we're working on stage on this setup, we finally spent hours on other things (like music and show!!! ;) ), and finally don't do that. But we surely should, and once again I'm going to say that's we're going to try. OK let's say this time we'll find the time!

Thanks for sharing.

My pleasure!

AMMD - Freak & Free Arts Coo[r]p
www.ammd.net - 095 234 72 48