@Raffaele -- definitely, if you'd like to translate it, all you need to do is to fork it on GitHub, then you can start editing the text directly on GitHub or locally on your computer.

@Alf: Thanks! I do plan to add a page explaining how to contribute. The simplest way for now is to simply file an issue in the repository:

1) Log in to your GitHub account
2) Go to https://github.com/brunoruviaro/ardour3-floss-tutorial
3) File an issue from there (how to: https://help.github.com/articles/creating-an-issue/)

The above method is good for small typos, suggestions, or specific suggestions.


On Mon, Feb 2, 2015 at 7:23 AM, Raffaele Morelli <raffaele.morelli@gmail.com> wrote:

are you interested in adding multilanguage support? I am willing to translate the
manual/tutoria in IT.


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