2011/7/7 Arve Barsnes <arve.barsnes@gmail.com>

> They use hardware rigs. I'm quite serious.
Indeed. Ideally, the computer should not be responsible for any guitar effects.

    That sounds like an awfully good excuse to burn a lot of money in effect processors :-)

    So, ideally, should the computer be used only to record and mix, with all the effects already applied? What if you decide afterwards that that long solo you played would be better without some effect? You record it again? Sounds like a lot of work; but then, that would explain the time it takes to record an album.

    And now that we're at it, any recommendation for entry-level, moderately cheap, amateur home recording? I have a Behringer V-Amp 2, and though it sounds quite well to my untrained ears, I'm always on the prowl for new shiny things to put my paws on. The family of Line 6 Pods, perhaps? They seem to be everywhere.


        Roberto Suárez Soto