I forward the following, b/c I realize I only replied to Fons when I meant to reply to the group!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Aaron Krister Johnson <aaron@akjmusic.com>
Date: Sun, Jun 13, 2010 at 10:52 PM
Subject: Re: [LAU] OT: Microphone choice for pipe organ
To: fons@kokkinizita.net


I have two Audio-Technica AT2020. They are are steal for their price. They recording anything well, and in blind tests compete admirably with mics several times their price. A good general purpose mic, IMO. They are also heavy duty, made of metal, so they aren't overly fragile either....

Re:Behringer.....I don't know about their mics, but I do have a small Euro-rack mixer, and I've had nothing but good feelings about it. I know an engineer who swears that the ICs in most of these mixers is the same anyway.....

On Sun, Jun 13, 2010 at 4:54 PM, <fons@kokkinizita.net> wrote:
On Sun, Jun 13, 2010 at 10:40:34PM +0100, Jonathan Gazeley wrote:

> So, is anyone able to recommend good quality but inexpensive dynamic
> mics that can cope with the loud SPL of a pipe organ at ten feet,
> have a low background noise, and don't mind being at the end of a
> 20m XLR cable?

Today 'cheap' general-purpose mics tend to be electrets - simple
electret capsules can be mass-produced much cheaper than dynamic
ones. Dynamic mics, at least good ones, tend to be specialised for
vocal use, while ribbons dominate the high-quality non-condenser

I'd avoid anything called Behringer, and go for example for some
of the cheaper AKG electrets.



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Aaron Krister Johnson


Aaron Krister Johnson