2011/9/10 david <gnome@hawaii.rr.com>
Carlos sanchiavedraz wrote:
Hi all, dear LAUers.

I've been doing some testing with Musix 3 beta (based on Debian Squeeze)

Where did you get Musix 3 Beta? I can't find anything higher than 2.1 at their site.

authenticity, honesty, community
Linux-audio-user mailing list

We're working on it right now, there some testing versions here:

That wiki page is new for people who wants to colaborate that is not in the collaborator/developer's list. There wasn't such a list before. Sorry but no english version yet, but soon I hope.

We've been developing version 3 for some time now, and the reports have been quite favorable, but we'd like to work on it some more. I myself hope to include some basic apps I've developed, and take the opportunity to release them on Github or similar. But as always... time is what is needed :).


Carlos sanchiavedraz
* Musix GNU+Linux