So the only remaining engineering question (from LAC c-base) for me, remains, what is the best reasonable alternative?

Currently I am thinking a self hosted instance of gitlab. With the source code saved in a backup ready for any deletions!

Christopher Obbard
64Studio Ltd

On Thu, 7 Jun 2018 at 22:21, <> wrote:
I missed the discussion in the last days and was on the one hand surprised how lively it was conducted, on the other hand I am missing one point completely (or I did not notice it): If we leave aside the discussion about Open Source versus Closed Source, the question of choice remains. Because if good ideas are always bought up by the same companies without problems - regardless of whether they want to make a profit or eliminate a competitor, this restricts our options. That's a point I don't like - no matter if Google, Apple, Microsoft, Oracle, SAP or whoever buys other innovative companies, in the end it results in a fight between two or three companies and not only many innovative ideas are crushed, but often enough also the portability between systems.
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Christopher Obbard
Chief Engineer
64 Studio Ltd.