> Does anybody happen to have written any kind of lyrics I could use for
> composing a song?
> I never felt like writing lyrics..but I would like to try composing a
> song based on lyrics..
> so..any guy there?
I've written a lot of lyrics, most of them also have accompanying
melodies - with many of the melodies never written down so I no longer
remember what they were. What kind of lyric are you interested in?
authenticity, honesty, community
Really any kind of lyrics should be ok. Well, lyrics with meaning that touches your feelings.
Preferably not simple depressing love lyrics (Ex: she left me and I feel alone..I'm gonna die :-) )
But it could be love lyrics..
Anyway, fyi it'll probably be a song with as base instrument the piano.
p.s : sorry for the previous unedited subject