VERY nice work !!
but i miss the pumping bass  ;-)

2012/6/12 Jason Jones <>
Dave was kind enough to give me the session files to this great song, and I happened to have a studio session cancel tonight, so I worked a bit on this one.  Let me know what you guys think!  Done entirely in A3.


On Mon, Jun 11, 2012 at 5:31 AM, Dave Phillips <> wrote:
Hi Fons, hi Jason :

Okay, I've tarred the Ardour3 session, it's about 357 MB with all WAV files used in its production. It's up at :

I'd like to remove the tarball after you've downloaded it, so let me know when you have it. The material is extremely messy, you'll get an inside look at how I manage to make a passable purse out of a sow's ear. :)  You may do as you wish with the session. Btw, it was created with a very recent version of A3 built from SVN sources.

Best regards,


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