On Sun, May 30, 2010 at 1:40 PM, Raine M. Ekman <raine@iki.fi> wrote:

Are you getting bus errors from other programs and weird window and keyboard behavior in GNOME as well? I had something like this happening just yesterday, reading this gave some insight: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/jack-audio-connection-kit/+bug/491329

Exiting PA (pacmd exit) and deleting /dev/shm/pulse* before starting qjackctl seems to do the trick for me. I upgraded my Ubuntustudio from 9.10, so YMMV.

 Raine M. Ekman ...... raine@iki.fi
 the Radio Project ... http://www.mikseri.net/artists/?id=36109&displ_lang=en


Thank you. "du -m /dev/shm" shows 320 megabytes of memory locked out by pulseaudio, even after its processes have been killed. So my mileage did 
not vary at all.

Are you putting the "/usr/bin/pacmd exit; rm /dev/shm pulse*" script into the qjackctl>Setup>Options box? The default script has long been 
"artsshell -terminate" which I always thought was to kill the ancient KDE arts daemon. If so, that option could use an update. I suppose the replacement 
script would need to be setuid, since at least one of the pulseaudio files could not be removed as user. That in turn, I think, means this needs to be a
compiled program rather than a shell script for security reasons. Does that make sense?

Again many thanks,
