Ethic, emotional, moral, wealth... LOVE! :D very abstract words. Their definitions is bound to your first experience of the feelings behind them :)
But you are right, at least, i understand your point and relate to it. I chose the same path as you. I don't want to deal with the music industry. (It's dying anyway :D) And I despise everything that is related to "idolatry". I am basically not so compatible with the "rock'n'roll" as you mention it i guess. Althought i must say there is quite a lot of rock'n'roll in my life. Just not so shiny or glamorous... LOL ( )
I work part time in a powerplant. I have the same task as Homer Simpson: looking after a machine that looks after itself, alone in a control room with infinite knowledge: internet.
But in my powerplant we burn trash instead of atoms. It pays good enough to have 3 saturdays and a sunday each week.
Living according to my own definitions is what makes me happy. Doing music in genres i fancy, instead of the ones that are expectef from me.
But then again, i can afford happyness since i have absolutley 0 debts.