On 02/11/2013 04:45 PM, Harry van Haaren wrote:
On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 9:28 PM, Dave Phillips <dlphillips@woh.rr.com> wrote:
So how do I deal with such material ? Is an exciter useful in this scenario ? Or ... ?
I've no experience here, but some gentle (& not so gentle) EQ-ing makes the listening experience quite a bit better here.
This link shows my settings for the 8 band eq from the calf plugins. No other processing done..


Toggling parametric III in the middle will take lots of the very highs out. Makes it feel "cleaner" to me, but I don't think
it suits this song, so I de-activated it. I'm sure you've done some EQing like this yourself with similar results.
I'm in the mood to play with some plugins though :) -H

Hey Harry, thanks a lot for the settings, they work a wonder on the track. I prefer parametric III to be active, through my monitors the track sounds clearer with III in. And I replaced the speakers in those monitors recently, they're a long way from tired out. :)

