
Thanks, this is excellent to know. If I can reproduce this behavior, I can intelligently code for its possible existence.

So far, my next round will try to include (i.e. TODOs):

1) scrolling output for long lines
2) MIDI patching with 'aconnect'
3) fixing verbosity issues
4) help with 'h'
5) quit with 'q' as well as Control-D

I'm trying to decide how best to implement MIDI patching from the main screen. By default, I could have the program be in 'audio' mode, and one could switch between modes with 'a' and 'm' for MIDI...similar to the 'tabs' in qjackctl. Ideas? More suggestions?



On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 10:24 AM, David Santamauro <david.santamauro@gmail.com> wrote:
On Wed, 26 May 2010 10:22:05 -0500
Aaron Krister Johnson <aaron@akjmusic.com> wrote:

Hi Aaron,

> Hi Philipp,
> Yes, it seems that the '--profile' compilation options may be the
> culprit.
> Not a pressing issue, but one that I can eventually investigate and
> debug, for that rare instance where someone has 'rolled their own'
> profiled version.

I tracked the problem down to the -v argument to jackd. Basically, any
spurious output from jack_lsp (generated by jackd) causes this error.



Aaron Krister Johnson