I'd really, really love to see a simple LV2 sampler plugin that I could
load in to Ardour or Qtractor -- something that I could easily load in
to a track, load a sample in to, and then have playing MIDI within a few
seconds. I've started to use LinuxSampler more, just so I can use its
plugin instead of using an external app like Hydrogen or Specimen,
though I've had some crashes there (in the LinuxSampler LV2 plugin
itself, I suspect) that I haven't had time to chase down yet.

You could try the DSSI simple stereo sampler.

I can't say I've tried this DSSI simple sampler - does it manage pitch shifting at least? Shame its DSSI as Openoctave and A3 have no plans to support DSSI and with the small amount of DSSI plugins available who can blame them?

Leigh or whoever it was who was after a simple sampler should appreciate my makesfz script, which when combined with qsampler and the LS LV2 makes using regular wavs with LS just about as easy as it could be until someone writes the elusive, all-in-one, easy to use LV2 sampler plugin! Its had a few revisions now:
