On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 1:52 PM, uhoh
<uhoh@cox.net> wrote:
under the ALSA tab i have the following out ports (in addition to my sound
card): MIDI 1 & 2 under the BCF2000 and control, mcu, & seq under ardour. the
in ports are the same for ardour, but i have MIDI 1, 2, & 3 for the BCF2000.
which outs connect to which ins?
Here's how it works for me and my BCR:
In QJackctl, my connections are like this:
Alsa tab:
BCR2000 MIDI 1 -> Ardour control
Ardour control -> BCR2000 MIDI 1
Ardour has Options>Control Surfaces> Generic Midi
Options>Control Surfaces>Controls> Feedback
both selected.
To assign a knob:
Ctrl+MidMouseClick on any parameter in the mixer or effect-edit & move a BCR2000 knob.