I'm having much enjoyment experimenting with Jconv, and have a further question.

I've set up a multiple input output .conf, using your /impulse/copy function.
It works really well, and i've been adding them up to my current test which is 18 ins, and 18 outs, being 16 ER's, and 2 Tails. (more or less.)
This is with the "greathall". wav.
(And the naming function works a treat, and makes things easy to see and identify quickly in a patchbay.)

There's a lot more to do, including tweaking the ER start and finish points, but, and this is the Q:

I can set the jconv outs, to ardours ins, and pan them, so the ER 'image' is in the same location aurally (roughly, for now) as the dry signal.

But is it possible to 'pan' the ER within the .conf itself, per in and out, including the impulse/copy ins and outs?

Or can i only do this within Ardour, or another app?

At the moment, everything's coming out in the middle, and i'm considering adding busses to create a panned sound image. (At this stage of template building, anyway)


Parchment Studios (It started as a joke...)