I have a repository up with a modified version of ceres to compile nicely under debian (and most likely other modern package-based linux distributions). I believe that my repository will simplify the build process for you, if you resort to building it yourself.
see: https://github.com/jeremysalwen/Ceres-Debian
Note that this is Ceres, not Ceres 3, but people on this mailing list tell me that Ceres is more up to date than Ceres 3, and contains almost all of the same features.
Could someone guide me to an iso file for a working music liveCD which includes a working version of Ceres3. I need to create an AudioSculpt partial tracking file from a sound file, so could use Sculpttool instead but it needs to be on liveCD or simple to install. Why doesn't IRCAM allow any free access to analysis tools like superVP? Anyway, if not, any ideas?
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