
I'm in the midst of trying to treat my room acoustically, and I really want to do measurements of my room acoustically. Of course, I know way too little about this, and therefore, I need your help as always! ;) (if you reply to this e-mail, imagine I'm 5 years old when you explain stuff).

So, what I have is this:

- A set of studio monitors (Adam A3X)
- A microphone (Senheiser MK4)
- A room...
- My studio computer with Linux

What I want to do, roughly, is this:

- Through a test tone(? test sound?) measure the frequency "response" of the room. I want to get a nice curve, like an equalizer, which tells me roughly how my room responds to the different frequencies.
- I want to do this before and after I apply treatment.

So, my question is: How on earth do I do this?! Are there FLOSS tools available for this? Is it easy to do something as basic as this?

Best wishes,