On 8/2/07, Folderol <folderol@ukfsn.org> wrote:
On Thu, 2 Aug 2007 14:20:53 +0000
Vince Werber <ka1iic@prexar.com> wrote:


> Personally I have my little studio set up for me... don't plan to release
> anything because I am sure everyone would quicky realize I am 'past it'...
> Reality does hit a person in the face like a brick...  There's a song there
> somewhere I am sure <heh>  blues too...
> Reality is like a brick to the face...  hmmm... goodbye yellow brick road???
> Have a good one...!!!
> vince (melting from the heat in Maine)

I just wish some of the wannabees of today (and probably yesterday)
would take that attitude!

Seriously, I find people who are self-critical tend to produce better
music/art/photos etc. than those that think they are good.

LIke Franz "burn all of my writings" Kafka.
On the other hand, my favorite artists put out a lot of crap; the thing they have in common is that they wrote/recorded/drew whatever was on their mind, and released it without shame.  Maybe they come up with 1 in 50 things worth seeing, but they keep the creativity flowing.
The other thing they have in common is that, while they had varying levels of success, they did their work out of neurotic compulsion... but I pretend not to acknowledge that.
