Excellent idea! Thanks. So I've already
tested with Ardour as best I can imagine.
    I haven't looked at
# ls -lat /var/log/* | head -20
    It happens when we're playing and I'm
usually blown out with that.

    Given that my experience is satisfactory,
then what can I do to diagnose the disk
drive, controller, driver module, <what_else>
    Quick and dirty:
* up the RAM from 8GB to more
* replace the spinning drive with SSD
* other???

    Continued thanks.

On 07/15/2014 10:13 AM, Paul Davis wrote:

On Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 11:58 AM, jim <jim@well.com> wrote:

    Thanks lots, Jeremy.

    I haven't used hdparm; I see it does a lot (much
to learn, per the man page).

    I'm thinking of writing a for loop and capture
start and end time: will that be useful? (Probably
I'll use DASH, Python, and C, just to compare
those three.)

    I haven't had the need to use lspci or lsmod or
most other diagnostic tools (not till now, so I'm
mostly lost).

    More thanks, I'll probably be able to send info
tomorrow (machine is not home).

specially written tests are not useful. They don't read/write in the same pattern as Ardour. If you want a test app, use Ardour :)