
I use Rosegarden, but only once used it to record audio in. I usually use it for MIDI and musical scores.

On November 15, 2017 2:29:24 PM HST, James Harkins <> wrote:
Asking which DAWs are good, especially for mixing, audio editing and stability.

I'm not a heavy DAW user. Most of my work is electronic music live
performance with SuperCollider. Because my usage is rare, I've shied away
from Bitwig, and even Ardour. I use SuperCollider a lot, and I pay for it
by answering support questions and contributing. I don't want to pay money
for something I'll use, oh, maybe 10-15 hours in a whole year.

I've had bad experiences with qtractor crashing.

Never used the non- suite.

I installed Rosegarden at one point, but never kicked the tires for audio.

Did I miss anything?


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