On 04/15/2014 04:01 PM, rosea grammostola wrote:

Playing with Radium a bit, so far so good. But how do you Tracker-guys add chords to your music?
Well, we just put a single note on a track, and another note on another track, and bam, chord :)

I must say, I'm really impressed by Radium. The Pd integration is almost seamless and very powerful, and the interface is quite snappy.

BTW, there is an issue with the main windowpane, resizing aggressively (ie beyond the boundaries of the "maximized" viewport) on "small" (1280 x 1024 minus vertical dock here) so I was thinking maybe somebody here would have an idea about how to manage such a setup :

|  pattern         | mixer / inst   | <= Both W & H variable
|  editor          | matrix         |
|                  |                |
|                  |                |
|  instrument parameters            | <= Variable W only
| status bar                        |
<= Fixed W & H

So that whatever frantic things happen in those various panes, the main window never resizes..?

Philippe Coatmeur
+212 (0)6 10 64 73 72
+212 (0)5 37 78 55 46

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