Does anyone know if you can run run pulseaudio (specifically the pulseaudio-module-jack stuff) inside of a vncserver session. If so, can you explain how you do it or provide a link to a document that explains the setup?

I am on ubuntu (studio) 22.04 and using tightvnc server.

Things run fine from my normal desktop on that machine but if I fire up the vnc server and connect to that, the pulse jack source and sink will not load properly for me.

I am trying to do this with the dummy jack driver and would like to set it up so that it does not use the onboard sound via alsa. (Perhaps a dummy alsa card or ???)

I want to get a sip phone or browser audio into my jack graph, so, if you know another way to get this done, great.

I cannot find a sip phone that does jack audio. iirc, many years ago asterisk had an iax(2?) phone that could speak jack. long gone to my knowledge.)

all the best,

Enjoy the Paradise Island Cam playing