Great response!
I think you're touching on what I perceive as one of the bigger potentials in linux audio - the community integration. Perhaps a no brainer given it open source, but still not something I feel has reached its potential just yet. Like I said before, one of the biggest draws for me is the possibility to interact both with the people that make the software, and also the people who use it the same way I do. I completely understand that no dev will sacrifice their free time to develop something they don't find interesting. I wouldn't be making music in a style I don't find interesting.
However, there's so much other, different things users can do. Something that's usually a bit lacking in audio software is tutorials and examples of actual usage of the applications. I can't even count the number of times I've read about or seen interesting software, but just couldn't figure the software out. This is something that users can contribute without necessarily needing any advanced knowledge of debugging etc. Now that the sync issue with screen casting is solved as well, we should have a good basis for doing that. I will actually look in to doing something like that this weekend, just to show I'm not just talk ;-)
Yes, those are all fair points. What about the rest of the questions? Lets take the non-tools for example, as you're the author of them. With the non-tools, what do you think users (current as well as potential future ones) could do better in terms of bug reporting? How can a user (read: one without the ability or desire to learn how to code) contribute to the non-tools?