On Mon, Apr 7, 2014 at 1:56 AM, James Morris <james@jwm-art.net> wrote:
On Sun, 06 Apr 2014 19:50:36 +0200
Ralf Mardorf <ralf.mardorf@rocketmail.com> wrote:

> Ok, don't care for productive criticism and keep opinions like
> classical music is the only music, or like Red Hot Chili Peppers and
> Metallica are Rock musicians. From that point of view Linux audio is
> perfect. _But_ some people aren't interested in producing classical
> music or Pseudo-Rock music, what should they/we do, when every hint
> they/we give is ignored and called snobbish?

Your gibbering ramblings make me want to defend Justin Bieber.

> Thank you for reading and hopefully not ignoring the content,
> Ralf

Anyone know of an Android email client that can send Ralf's posts to
the bin just like Claws-Mail does?

I believe that Ralf has given me good answers to some linux-related questions (JFTR)

Music-wise I guess there's not too much overlap in our choices