Hi there, 
Thank you for the information. Yes synchronisation is always an issue and perhaps I framed the question inadequately, but what I am after is not complete synchronisation but rather to utilise the analog ins and outs of this additional soundcard too.

So I am not after 0ms latency per se, but rather something in the order <12msec. This has been possible across soundcards using the alsa driver, so I assume it is not out of place to aim for it now too. Perhaps this is not possible across different jack backend which is why I ask for the various setup possibilities. 

The easiest for me would be to use the saffireLE through the alsa driver, but that only exposes 1 single stereo playback stream. I want all 3. So what do I have?


On Sat, 1 May 2021, 23:07 David Kastrup, <dak@gnu.org> wrote:
Athanasios Silis <athanasios.silis@gmail.com> writes:

> Finally, is there a chance to coordinate 2 jack sessions (each with
> one of alsa, firewire backends) with 0 latency between them ? In this
> setup does anyone have experience with SaffireLE and how to control
> the mixer?

How is 0-latency supposed to work with unsynchronised clocks?

If you want to consolidate multiple soundcards without adding
significant latency for resampling filtering, they must be running on
the same clock (which means that it's mainly comparatively expensive
soundcards that can be consolidated).  Even then you'll not be able to
split a stereo channel across two non-identical cards without
introducing problems from the differing phase response of their
oversampling and filtering circuitry.

Synchronisation can happen in some cases via Firewire (for example, if
you daisychain multiple Alesis i|O 26 devices) but more usually with a
separate word clock sync cable.

For juggling numerous sources, there can be a point in getting a mixer
with digital multi-channel in- and output.

That means you don't need to consolidate multiple soundcards but rather
get to work with some flexible multichannel device.  That tends to be
quite more robust.

David Kastrup