Hello Jeremy,
It looks like it is much better on the non RT kernel.
I can't be sure it is not crashing anymore yet, but, for sure, it is more stable.
Yesterday I have reverted to the NON RT Kernel as it was too stressfull.
And I may have an explanation for the crashes, I beleive that from time to time the total memory of Pi is saturated. I have the feeling that Squeezebox server is responsible for the crashes mainly because it sometimes needs memory in excess while transcoding or something like that.
When I was running Jack + jconvolver + Squeezelite only on non RT kernel, I didn't experience any crashes.
So Yesterday, I tried again everything on non RT and it didn't crashed.
And I also added the two following lines to config.txt, I don't know exactly what it does, but i have the feeling it helps a little bit, even with the RT kernel.
I will let everything running for a few hours in random mode, to see if it crashes.
Anyway, I would like to know if the NEON stuff might help ? And if anybody have an experience of building/running jconvolver with NEON ?
If it works, should also Jack and Squeezelite be built with the NEON ?
Thank you,