I installed Ubuntu Karmic inside VirtualBox, tried VocProc inside it
and wasn't able to recreate your situation. I also tried on Arch with
'normal' jack and with jack2 (jackdmp) and couldn't get it to crash.
Now I'm downloading Ubuntu Studio to also try with it.
Would you please be so kind to try this code and post the output:
It is actually the same code with added bunch of couts.

Still no problems while compiling.
This is the output i get:

$ ./VocProc
loaded "chromatic"...
loaded "full"...
loaded "pentatonic"...
loaded "harmonic E minor"...
jack callbacks:
process the sample rate is now 44100/sec
samplerate shutdown
set input ports
set output port
dsp init
 init 1
   initialization done
dsp build gui
 building GUI...
recall gui state
jack get ports
jack activate client
jack connect
jack connect2
run interface
  processing init
zombified - calling shutdown handler

Giorgio Bał
Sound engineer
