Hey Jeanette!
Than you very much for your kind words and I am very happy that these sounds connected with you.
You asked a good question. It is not one easy to answer in brief.
I experience life frequently through the lens of different moods and atmospheres. A day might have a special "coloring". And this coloring connects me to past memories, to whole worlds inside of my mind. Frequently, these are atmospheres, constructed from past experiences, that take me to some place in my mind. It is very difficult to explain. I suppose this is something that is common with people who are extremely reflective.
Imagine, you are sitting in the evening, working, and the overall lighting, sounds, colors around you remind you of a certain time in your past and you feel that you are in your grandparents' house. The house is not there anymore, your grandparents are gone, but you still exist in that space sometimes. And then you can use music to tune into that mood.
A tune, rich with deep haunting sounds may remind me of space, and for a while I "exist" in a different frame of reference, I feel like I am somewhere in Earth's orbit, observing the Universe around me, no longer contained by the planet.