On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 6:23 AM, Simon Wise <simonzwise@gmail.com> wrote:
On 02/10/12 16:50, Grant wrote:

Is there a Mac or Windoze Jack plugin that works like ALSA's above?
It's not for me I swear.

On OSX jack and core-audio play well together, or rather did some years ago when I used OSX a lot for this kind of thing. Any mac audio app should be able to use core audio, and you should be able to achieve the connections you want.

absolutely correct, right up to OS X Mountain Lion which has started to feature "sandboxing" of certain applications. Many/most OS X audio apps can still talk to JACK, but there are a few (e.g. quicktime player) which no longer will. Expect this situation to get worse (and then be pleasantly surprised if it does not).
grant - its very, very confusing that you started out asking about bridging between ALSA and JACK and then switched to a question about iTunes.