On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 1:00 PM, Jeremy Jongepier <jeremy@autostatic.com> wrote:
I'm trying to figure out what is the best way to use the Guitarix-Amp and Guitarix-FX LADSPA plugins on a headless system (read Raspberry Pi). I've tried it with Ecasound but it already consumes more CPU than the guitarix application itself! So I'm obviously doing something wrong. Maybe this is because the Guitarix-Amp plugin has one input and two outputs, read something about Ecasound starting up multiple instances of the plugin in such a case which is not what I want. So any hints or tips on getting this to run smoothly? I can use either JACK or ALSA directly. I prefer using JACK, somehow using bare ALSA produces large amounts of xruns.

Thanks in advance,


Non-Mixer has a noui mode... You can run a previously defined mix (including any number of ladspa plugins) and control them via OSC.