Thanks for the quick reply, Jack.
But was Elvis singing straight "Black" blues or "Rockabilly"?  And didn't they have to coin the phrase "Rockabilly" just to describe what Elvis was doing?
Here's the link I was looking at:
It mentions the Sun Records and Sam Phillips in Memphis, Tennessee, under the Elvis section.  It also refers to the "uptempo" beat of the music.  Would you consider such music as Blues?  Or is it way too fast to be Blues?

From: Jack O'Quin <>
To: Stephen Stubbs <>
Cc: Linux Audio Users List <>
Sent: Thu, February 4, 2010 6:24:35 PM
Subject: Re: [LAU] Blues music trivia question

On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 5:57 PM, Stephen Stubbs
<> wrote:
> Question:  Can you name any American White person (male or female), who grew
> up within 100 miles of the Mississippi River, and put out a record in that
> region (doing the recording in New York City for example, doesn't count),
> before the signing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964?
> Please name the artist, the record title, and the date of release.

Elvis Presley.  Pick any of the Sun Records titles.