2014-07-04 10:14 GMT+02:00 Simon Wise <simonzwise@gmail.com>:
On 02/07/14 17:44, Raffaele Morelli wrote:
2014-07-02 0:15 GMT+02:00 Paul Davis<paul@linuxaudiosystems.com>:

On Tue, Jul 1, 2014 at 5:08 PM, Louigi Verona<louigi.verona@gmail.com>

And then when I saw on some site a blogger write that "Linux is the best
platform for high end video editing", I was just astonished at the insolence
of the claim. I mean, such nerve...

Whenever I've seen this claim made with any credibility, it refers to
in-house custom editing tools that are not distributed, but happen to run
on Linux because it is easy to throw huge amounts of compute power at the
problem very cheaply. I've never seen it credibly made about the sort of
Linux video tools that you or I could get out hands on.

​: ​linux video editing it's a pain.

or "powerful video editing software is expensive on linux too"


​AFAICT cinelerra is a great piece of software but lacks a wise guy in the control room (eg. like Paul).
