On Tue, Nov 11, 2008 at 1:09 PM, Jeremiah Benham <jjbenham@chicagoguitar.com> wrote:
You should check to see if the current denemo meets your needs. You can
do different noteheads in it. If it can't do the notehead you want and
lilypond supports it email the denemo-devel mailing list and let us

It doesn't seem to be able to do it. The noteheads provided do not include traditional shaped notes.

It seems to me that using the 'lilypond directive':
should do it but it doesn't work.

FWIW, denemo is a *lot* better than it was last time I used it. Good work!

Any other apps, anyone?

Christopher Stamper

Email: christopherstamper@gmail.com
Web: http://tinyurl.com/2ooncg
gTalk: http://tinyurl.com/6e359r
Skype: cdstamper