God knows why, but I tried 5000 as well once, but  faired best with 4500. But still if it doesn't work, I suppose it's something ese. this onlyhelps, when starting larger audio apps, that take a little time to get loaded. LinuxSampler used to crash my JACK without that, so might Ardour in theory. It's just a precaution. You might store that setting anyway.

No such luck Im afraid. I changed the v alue but nothing really happened..

Best Thomas

2010/6/25 Julien Claassen <julien@c-lab.de>
Hi Thomas!
 God knows why, but I tried 5000 as well once, but  faired best with 4500. But still if it doesn't work, I suppose it's something ese. this onlyhelps, when starting larger audio apps, that take a little time to get loaded. LinuxSampler used to crash my JACK without that, so might Ardour in theory. It's just a precaution. You might store that setting anyway.
 Kindly yours


Music was my first love and it will be my last (John Miles)

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