On Sun, Oct 11, 2009 at 5:36 PM, Carlos Sanchiavedraz <csanchezgs@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi dear folks.

I would like to do some kind of a survey to know about configs, setups, controllers, etc that you have come to over the years and based on your own experience. (Well, I already know some of yours for your mails on the list)

It's usual to see piano keyboards and controller boards, i.e. Behringer BCF/BCR2000 or FCB1010.

But more than this kind of consumer products, which I know many of them, I'm rather interested in something like (inexpensive and) strange MIDI controllers, pedal boards, Arduinos, DIY HW... that allow controlling and have interaction with applications, whether it's Ardour, Rosegarden, Freewheeling, Sooperlooper, Pd, Supercolider, Mixxx ...

Why this? I've been willing for a long time now to buy an audio interface with MIDI and maybe some controller, but at the moment I'm still stuck with just my keyboard and mouse; it's ok with DAWs but an inconvenient when using live loopers (most of all when playing guitar, and without a MIDI interface).

Thanks in advance.
Carlos "sanchiavedraz"
* Musix GNU+Linux

Hi Carlos,
There's a GPL v3 project on Sourceforge for using a webcam as midi input, pmidic, unfortunately it's only available in a windows version though the programmer planned to do a linux version too.
(I'm friends with him on facebook and it doesn't really look like he's gonna write one soon, but when I said I wanted to write the linux version , he liked it, too bad I can't program well enough to finish the job.)
I played with pmidic for a while (on a windows xp setup IIRC) and could make my synth produce a low bell when I walked to the left of the camera field and a high bell when walking to the right :) That's been a while, I don't remember the problems when I tested it using wine but it didn't work for me.

Looking forward to see anything that comes up from your quest ...
