On Sunday 29 October 2006 05:51, Chris McCormick wrote:
I have deleted the original email, but whoever posted that wicked boggle
oggle track, I'd like to ask you more about the drums and how you made
them. Please let me know! I would like to make some drum sounds like
that myself.
Here you go (this is jst so ever slightly modified from the file that
generated boggle_oggle. You can hear it here
// ---------------- cut here -------------------------------
// =====================================================================
// SuperCollider Workspace
// =====================================================================
SynthDef (\foo3,
var out1, out2;
out1 = SinOsc.ar (freq: XLine.ar (Rand(30, 130), Rand(30, 150), Rand(0.01,
0.2)), mul: XLine.ar (Rand(0.1, 0.5), 0.0001, Rand(0.01, 10), doneAction:
out2 = SinOsc.ar (freq: XLine.ar (Rand(30, 130), Rand(30, 150), Rand(0.01,
0.2)), mul: XLine.ar (Rand(0.1, 0.5), 0.0001, Rand(0.01, 10), doneAction:
Out.ar (0, [out1,out2]);
SynthDef (\foo1,
var out1, out2;
out1 = RLPF.ar(in: Saw.ar (freq: Rand(28,300), mul: XLine.ar(Rand(0.01,
0.3), 0.001, Rand(0.1, 7.0), doneAction: 2)), freq: Rand(100, 3000),
rq:Rand(0.1, 0.9));
out2 = RLPF.ar(in: Saw.ar (freq: Rand(28,300), mul: XLine.ar(Rand(0.01,
0.3), 0.001, Rand(0.1, 7.0), doneAction: 2)), freq: Rand(100, 3000),
rq:Rand(0.1, 0.9));
Out.ar(0,[out1, out2]);
SynthDef (\foo2,
var out1, out2;
out1 = SinOsc.ar (freq: XLine.ar(Rand(28,10000), Rand(28,10000),
Rand(0.01,0.1)), mul: XLine.ar(Rand(0.01, 0.1), 0.001, Rand(0.1, 7.0),
doneAction: 2));
out2 = SinOsc.ar (freq: XLine.ar(Rand(28,10000), Rand(28,10000),
Rand(0.01,0.1)), mul: XLine.ar(Rand(0.01, 0.1), 0.001, Rand(0.1, 7.0),
doneAction: 2));
Out.ar(0,[out1, out2]);
SynthDef (\foo4,
var out1, out2;
out1 = SinOsc.ar (freq: XLine.ar(Rand(128,700), Rand(28,10000),
Rand(0.01,0.1)), mul: XLine.ar(Rand(0.01, 0.1), 0.001, Rand(0.1, 7.0),
doneAction: 2));
out2 = SinOsc.ar (freq: XLine.ar(Rand(128,700), Rand(28,10000),
Rand(0.01,0.1)), mul: XLine.ar(Rand(0.01, 0.1), 0.001, Rand(0.1, 7.0),
doneAction: 2));
Out.ar(0,[out1, out2]);
SynthDef (\hh,
var out;
out = WhiteNoise.ar (mul: XLine.ar (Rand(0.1, 0.2), 0.0001, Rand(0.03, 1),
doneAction: 2));
Out.ar (0, [out, out]);
SynthDef (\bd,
var out;
out = SinOsc.ar(freq: XLine.ar(100,40,0.1), phase: 1.55, mul:
XLine.ar(Rand(0.5,0.3), 0.01, Rand(0.1,1), doneAction: 2));
Out.ar(0,[out, out]);
t = TempoClock.new;
t.tempo = 7.9;
t.schedAbs (t.beats.ceil,
arg beat, sec;
// beat.postln;
if (beat % 8 == 0,
Synth.new (\bd);
if (1.0.rand > 0.5,
if (beat % 4 == 0,
if (1.0.rand > 0.8,
if (beat % 4 == 0,
if (1.0.rand > 0.7,
if ((beat % 1 == 0) && (beat % 4 != 0),
if (1.0.rand > 0.9,
if (1.0.rand > 0.8,
if (1.0.rand > 0.7,
if (1.0.rand > 0.2,
1 });
// ---------------- cut here -------------------------------
Plus you need the jack-rack file from the attachment. Route output 1 and 2 of
SC through jack-rack, and do not connect SC directly to alsa_pcm:out... Don't
forget to enable all three plugins :)
Palimm Palimm!