Will J Godfrey WillGodfrey at musically.me.uk
Wed Nov 21 10:42:55 CET 2018

On Tue, 20 Nov 2018 16:42:44 -0500
Ivica Ico Bukvic <ico.bukvic at gmail.com> wrote:

>There is also a COMPEL project that I am currently heading and which is 
>designed to facilitate interfacing between composers and performers. It 
>offers preservation of both performances (archiving) and the materials 
>for the necessary reproduction of the work itself, including software. 
>The platform offers multiple licensing options from fully open source to 
>commercial and is therefore completely license-agnostic (all copyrights 
>remain with their owner). It is hosted by my university and in the 
>coming weeks we are preparing for the soft-launch. It supports 
>groups/collections and is based on the leading open-source 
>preservational platform developed by the network of libraries worldwide. 
>Please let me know if you are interested in this and I will gladly keep 
>you posted.
>On 11/20/2018 10:14 AM, Thomas Brand wrote:
>> On Sun, November 18, 2018 09:22, Will Godfrey wrote:  
>>> Linux Audio Music has been dormant for a very long time, but recently I
>>> contacted the the person who hosted and ran it.
>>> The reason he closed it was because of a serious vulnerability was
>>> discovered in Rails, and he no longer had time to do the necessary
>>> upgrades.
>>> However, he has told me that he still has the entire database and the
>>> code. In his own words: "... would be happy to host and do what I can to
>>> facilitate a handoff to someone else who wants to manage it."
>>> For anyone who doesn't know, this was a relatively simple and clean site
>>> aimed specifically at providing a home for tracks composed with Linux -
>>> something rather rare!
>> How many tracks are currently "homeless", how many gigabytes? I guess the
>> code would be hard to re-use. Tracks could be moved relatively easy to
>> another place if metadata is clean.
>> Greetings
>> Thomas

Some very interesting responses, and I like this the most. It would be good to
be able to fetch the existing material from Hans.

Hmmm. Thinking about it, I really can't remember if it was actually stored
music, or links to other sources. If the latter, much of it may now be
missing :(

It wasn't me! (Well actually, it probably was)

... the hard part is not dodging what life throws at you,
but trying to catch the good bits.

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