[LAU] 25 key midi keyboards

Malte Steiner steiner at block4.com
Wed Jul 25 13:53:57 EDT 2007

José Pedro Ferreira wrote:
> Hello.
> I'm thinking about buying a 25 key keyboard to do some composition under
> linux. Is there any list of recommended devices, known to work OK? I've
> thought about the M-Audio Oxygen 8 v2 or the M-Audio Axiom 25. Anyone
> uses them? Any other good suggestions?
> Cheers,
> Pedro
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Recently I bought the Axiom 25, partly because of the finger pads which 
are good for percussion but can also generate continuous pressure data 
too. Keyboard is great and has good aftertouch. Odd are the rasterd 
knobs which I dont like that much. But the firmware has a trick, when 
you turn them fast, the jump is higher.
And it works out of the box with Linux but dont know about the Enigma 
settings programmer, cant run Wine at the moment. I programmed once a 
setting with it under Windows but actually prefer programming now 
directly on the keyboard and dont do it that often anyway.
Here is a video of my first live gig with it:

Ah, and by the way, the synthesizer is a software I wrote recently and I 
am about to opensource it soon. Laptop runs 64 Studio, more info in the 
youtube text




Malte Steiner
media art + development

next concert:
Elektronengehirn 30.8. ICMC 2007, Copenhagen, Denmark

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