[LAU] Yamaha Disklavier Pro grand piano

Randy Kramer rhkramer at gmail.com
Thu Sep 18 10:09:22 EDT 2008

On Thursday 18 September 2008 09:20 am, Roberto Gordo Saez wrote:
> > Well..... but does the author remain THE author once there are other 
> > contributions in that file?

My understanding (IANAL) is: 

In at least some senses, no, or more accurately, he is no longer the 
sole author *unless* those contributors have given (signed over) to him 
all their rights as co-authors.  (There are a lot of things I don't 
understand, but one in particular is (are?) the moral rights of the 
author that are considered in some other countries.  My vague 
understanding is that, whatever rights he may give away, he is still 
entitled to have his name associated with the software as a co-author.)

Assuming that has not occurred, he is not the sole author, and things 
that might be at his discretion if he were the sole author are no 
longer at his sole discretion, but require agreement of all the 

Among these:
   * he does not have the freedom to change the license unilaterally
   * he does not have the freedom to dual license the software 

Randy Kramer
I didn't have time to write a short letter, so I created a video 
instead.--with apologies to Cicero, et.al.

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