[LAU] how to record Gramophone?

ben brouits at free.fr
Mon Mar 23 15:17:30 EDT 2009

Grammostola Rosea a écrit :
> ben wrote:
>> Grammostola Rosea a écrit :
>>> Hi,
>>> My dads want to records some old gramophone records. How can he do it? 
>>> Ardour/ Audacity?
>>> \r
>> IMHO, i recommend "mhwaveedit" (a gtk+ app, smaller than audacity), i
>> always use it for 2-traks record. The integrated VU-meter is useful.
> ok, thanks. Do you use alsa or jack?
I use OSS since ALSA have a lot of xruns on my small computer.
Jack is useless to me in that purpose since i do not have to connect any
auxiliary insert or effect.
the backend choice in mhwaveedit must be defined in the preferences.

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