[LAU] The future of audio plugins ?

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net
Thu Oct 20 18:32:39 UTC 2016

On Thu, 20 Oct 2016 12:36:53 -0400, jonetsu wrote:
>Anyone doing a mix will start by proper gain staging.

This is complete nonsense. Which DAW requires to trim the input of the
channels for the mastering? To ensure that the inputs are set to line
level, is required for the analog domain only. Apart from this, setting
all input channels automatically to line level, doesn't require a
network connected trim pot.

Why exactly did you mention "iZotope's Track Assitant/Neutron" as an
example, if it isn't an example?

You even won't describe a real world scenario, so it's completely open,
if anybody did understand you.


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