[Consortium] Wider scope for linuxaudio.org: home audio

Daniel James daniel at linuxaudio.org
Tue Jan 11 06:00:00 EST 2005

Hi Andreas,

> Home audio is not included in this phrase of the "About"-text:
> "emphasis on professional tools for the music, recording and
> broadcast industries."

Except that professional tools are needed in order to create 'home 
audio' devices, as I pointed out.

> My suggestion is to explicitely add "home 
> audio" to this list.

You're welcome to suggest a policy revision to the Management Board, 
via its mailing list:


It would be best if you could suggest a specific wording that you 
would like to see in the Policy, such as:

'The aim of the Linuxaudio.org consortium is to promote and enable the 
use of Linux kernel based systems for both professional and consumer 
audio use.'

Personally, I'm not too keen on the word 'consumer' but I can't think 
of a better one for this context.   

When I originally drafted the policy document, together with other 
consortium members, the intention was to promote media creation 
tools, rather than just playback tools - the latter being what most 
people think of as 'multimedia software'. 

> As far as I see it one of the main issues in 
> digital home audio is to promote the use and development of open
> standards which are useable for Linux- and Open Source-based home
> audio systems.

Quite - but then we have already amended our policy document to read:  
'The Linuxaudio.org consortium prefers open standards and file 



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