[linux-audio-dev] [admin] lau postings from lad'ers [was Fwd: [admin] list policy, non-member posting]
Joern Nettingsmeier
nettings at folkwang-hochschule.de
Tue Dec 10 16:16:01 UTC 2002
hi guys !
as most of you will know, the linux-audio-user list is members-only.
many of you post helpful and perfectly on-topic replies there, which is
great, but unfortunately from a non-subscribed address, which is not :(
i used to hand-approve them, but there are just too many of those
messages now to do that, so i'm getting anal about the policy and reject
everything regardless of sender or topic.
please, everyone, do not cease to follow lau, and please do share your
expertise, but also please do it from a subscribed account. it really
hurts me to stash messages from bill s. or paul d. into the bit bucket,
but i just can't keep up. :(
unfortunately, there is no easy and reliable way to tell mailman to
accept all members of another list as posters, and i do not have the
necessary privileges on the list server to roll my own
check out the possibility described below if you need to post from
several mail accounts.
forwarded from lau:
Jörn Nettingsmeier wrote:
> hi everyone !
> lately, the number of posting attempts from non-members has risen to a
> point where i'm just rejecting them without reading each one and checking
> if it's on-topic or has already been sent to the list from another
> account.
> our current list policy is members-only posting, for the following
> reasons:
> * i believe people who want to profit from a community should take part in
> it
> * spam prevention. so far, it has saved everyone from about .5k spam msgs.
> a number of list subscribers seem to post from different addresses, so
> some of their mails are being rejected. if this applies to you, there is
> always the possibility of subscribing multiple addresses and disabling mail
> delivery for all but one via the web interface.
> best,
> jo"rn
Jörn Nettingsmeier
Kurfürstenstr 49, 45138 Essen, Germany
http://spunk.dnsalias.org (my server)
http://www.linuxdj.com/audio/lad/ (Linux Audio Developers)
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