[linux-audio-dev] Re: Cheby amp code

Steve Harris S.W.Harris at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Mon Nov 4 17:36:01 UTC 2002

On Mon, Nov 04, 2002 at 11:10:14 -0800, Paul Winkler wrote:
> > For the record my current guess for an amp process is:
> > 
> >               .-> bandpass -> shaper -.     .--- LP <--.
> >               |                       |     v          |
> > input -> EQ? -+-> bandpass -> shaper -+-> delay -> EQ ---> output
> >               |                       |
> >               `-> bandpass -> shaper -'
> well, we'd have to try it and see :)
> the delay w/ lp in feedback -  is that basically
> how you make a resonant lopass filter? 

No, its a primitive cabinet simulator. Just model reflections off the back
wall. The LP represents absorbion in the fiberous stuff inside. I read
about the technique somewhere... music-dsp probably.
> > dont bother. The EQ? could be optional if you have enough bandpasses.
> Sure, if there is pre-shaper and post-shaper gain for each
> band then that's your EQ.  Lot of parameters to control,
> though.

Well, they would be preset for given amp types I guess.

- Steve

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