[linux-audio-dev] Patches for TiMidity++

Peter L Jones peter at drealm.org.uk
Fri Sep 27 18:00:01 UTC 2002

Hi all,

I've tried to subscribe to Eric A Walsh's TiMidity mailing list but it doesn't 
appear to be working... (or there's too little latency in my patience...)  
So... would anyone be even vaguely interested in...

a) an aRtsd patch (trivial, really)

b) an extension to the "order=o" soundfont parameter to make it somewhat more 

c) some minor "fixes" (hopefully just code tidy-ups)

d) some documentation I've written while reading the code (I've been trying to 
get a handle on exactly what TiMidity++ does and doesn't do as a soft-synth)

...being posted to this list?  (Feel free to pick'n'choose.)

(The patches amount to 746 lines against the current beta.  The doc amounts to 
608 lines but it's not completely finished yet...)

-- Peter

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